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  • Writer's pictureJason Pillsbury

Best Patio Base Preparations "Open Grade"

An Open Grade patio base is considered the best process because it is designed to promote proper drainage and prevent water from pooling on the surface, which can lead to erosion and damage over time. This type of base also allows for better soil compaction, which creates a more stable and durable foundation for your patio. Additionally, an open grade base is often more cost-effective than other methods, making it a popular choice among homeowners and contractors alike.

To prepare the base for a patio that will stand the test of time, follow these steps with confidence.

1: Excavate the area to a depth of 10 inches below grade, ensuring you have a level surface.

2: Compact the base soil using a plate compactor or tamper.

3: Add a layer of Unilock DriveGrid, which provides excellent stabilization and prevents soil erosion.

4: Over the DriveGrid, Screed 6 inches of 3/4 inch CLEAN crushed stone, compacting it in place to create a solid foundation.

5: Screed 1 inch of 3/8 inch CLEAN chipstone to create a smooth and level surface. This is you "Bedding Layer"

Now you're ready for the concrete pavers, knowing that you have a strong, stable and durable base that will last for years to come.

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